Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 20, 2013

August 20, 2013
4:30 a.m.

It’s fascinating to watch the ebb and flow of life (or life style). Like the wave movement of the ocean, it’s inexorable…and yet, like a kaleidoscope, constantly shifting. Lying awake in the darkness, I was considering the changes…and how the resulting ripples affect those around us causing their kaleidoscope patterns and colors to adjust as well.

Within the past few days there have been a number of FaceBook posts as young people in friends’ families are leaving “the nest” for college. That causes a major realignment.  For a number of friends, this is “the last one” to leave home which creates a sort of vacuum (“empty nest syndrome”).  I was just contemplating what kinds of things rush in to fill the resulting space; what activities we believe we will pursue “in retirement” and the contrasting reality.

With daylight, I will look out my windows at untended flower beds and ponder what it is that so fills my hours that I am unable to achieve even the projects that bring me joy. I still have the same 24 hours in each day.  “They say” that once retired you’ll wonder how you ever found the time to work. I’d like to define what it is that I’m now doing with all that time.

Most mornings include at least an hour on the computer in my Snuggery to catch up on news of my friends and families.  THAT is something current that I didn’t do while I “had a life”.  In bygone days, we would have lunch to chat and share a few photos of the kids… whenever we could tuck in those pleasurable moments. 

The arrival of FaceBook, for me, meant an opportunity to reconnect with former school mates from the 60’s.  That has been a wonderful experience… My friend-list grew by a large number of people who share similar values and beliefs; who share their blessings and uphold one another in prayers. We are of comparable age: many posts cause me to count my blessings as I realize that not everyone has the health and resulting freedoms that I still take for granted.

Another FaceBook activity is gleaning and posting information to a group of “friends” from Church. This project started to help me keep track of prayer requests and their updates. Learning of physical needs has encouraged me to be more faithful in mailing out greeting cards and notes.  My goal is 3 per day but I suspect the overall average may be closer to one.  “Envelopes without windows” in the incoming mail are becoming more rare but I still LOVE handwritten thank-you notes and greeting cards…and believe I’m not alone. Besides, someone has to support the salaries of mail-carriers!!

Without other responsibilities preempting, by 10 a.m. Midget and I head to Via Verde for coffee with Mom.  During this past two weeks—since my return from Dallas—we have had an audiologist appointment, a vision appointment, and three dental appointments (all hers) which interfered…but we’ll get back to our rhythm.

Dallas: five days of frenetic girlfriend time.  Seminar was the 50th Anniversary of Mary Kay celebration. Brenda and I flew down together on July 30th.  She returned on Saturday, August 3rd but I spent that evening with Mike & Rhonda Book visiting with Sammers & Asher; and celebrating Samantha’s 23rd birthday with her little family.  Rhonda served Texas-style “comfort food” and it was delicious!!!
Suitcases weren’t even out of the van on Monday morning before Helpful L.O.U. drafted me to help with emptying a house.  Truth to be told, I’m sure that activity accounts for many of the “lost” hours. Even when she’s on the road and I’m at home working on my Mary Kay orders or inventory, she’ll call to recheck an address or some other little need.
Yesterday morning we unloaded the truck, picked up a dining room sideboard and took it to the warehouse; loaded two love-seats, a television and a stand…all before 9 a.m.  (My weight-training exercises. Ha!)

About 2 months ago I traded Helpful L.O.U. the two recliners in my family room for a sofa sleeper.  The intent was a direct replacement but when we brought the piece in through the front door, we realized that it looked very nice in the living room…so we moved the double-recliner sofa from the living room into the family room instead. That has worked well on all counts.  The double-recliner sofa apparently isn’t quite so comfortable for Midget with the result that if I fall asleep in the family room, she takes herself off to find a cozy spot elsewhere (also good for me since she’s less likely to disturb my rest).

The inaugural use of the sofa-sleeper occurred on July 29th during a visit from my nephew David and his family.  The dates of their visit (from Indiana) coincided with the time I was scheduled to be in Dallas for Seminar, so we arranged for them to stay in my house. I’m fairly certain that the sofa-sleeper, although used, had never before been slept on since we had quite a struggle getting it to fully open.

It’s fully daylight now, but with coastal eddy laying in here, the sun won’t come “up” for another hour or more.  These foggy, gray starts and accompanying moisture are good for vegetation…my roses are doing well.  By 9-ish, the sun burns through and the afternoons are warm.  It’s “hot” if you’re doing physical activity outdoors, but overall, the house stays temperate and hasn’t required supplemental cooling.

Some of my former FaceBook friends have dropped off for an assortment of personal reasons.  In an effort to not lose contact with them, I’m going to TRY to write and email an “Update” oftener than “annually”.  Hope this finds you doing well and preparing for an awesome autumn.  

In memory of Tom...
whose 74th birthday would be next Sunday (August 25th) followed on the 31st by our 39th wedding anniversary.

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