Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Has it been "ONLY" 12 years? I clearly remember the morning we refer to as 9-11..catching the overnight news on TV while tying on my shoes for a walk in our Mesa AZ neighborhood in the dawning light and morning cool.  The light was "yellow" and the trees were green; the sprinklers were watering the lawn across the street.

Actually I think Tom was still going to work then because it seems the house was otherwise empty. It's pretty astounding to consider all the changes in my life since then. I've morphed from being an efficient "take-charge" 50-something office manager to being a somewhat disoriented retired "older" person. 

Have you ever read a biography and observed the "ups and downs" over the course of the subject's life-span?  Within maybe a 10 year span, the fortune of life does change. I try to think about that when I'm sad...that in the normal course of things, life will bring "good" again. So, in my reflection on this past 12 years I have gone from  full-time employment to part-time support staff to retirement. I have downsized my home and many of my memories are still packed in boxes in storage. I have transitioned through the "in sickness and in health" of our wedding vows; and come out a widow. 

I wonder what life in the next decade will bring?  Will I be looking back and thinking about how good life was in 2013?

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