Wednesday, December 10, 2014

2014 December



December 10, 2014   6:15 a.m.

The passing train had everyone awake at 3:30 this morning.  One of the perks of staying at Oceanside Harbor is a front-row seat of the train tracks, which are well-used. The plus side is that during the day the passing trains gives Mom something to watch; along with the seagulls. Definitely a change of pace from home.

We had the opportunity to spend 5 nights at the coast and, although this is a busy season, we opted to cocoon in our 3 bedroom suite to do some Christmas baking and writing of Christmas cards. Mary Lou is delighting our palates with her Pinterest recipes.

Monday afternoon we took Mom to O’side Harbor to feed the seagulls—one of her favorite things to do. We had a partial bag of sale corn chips which made her a very popular person to about 40 gulls…to her great delight.


Meanwhile Mary Lou and I took a walk on the beach. The tide was SO far out that we could walk almost to the end of the breakwater!! But that’s where we found the sand dollars. Some of them were shades of purple (still living) but we collected several of the white (deceased) ones.  This reminded us of when we were at this resort in 2009 for Mom’s 89th b-day celebration and found sand dollars on the beach.  

The sun is glinting on the crashing waves and we can see surfers (like tiny ants) out there enjoying the morning.  Coffee is hot and Mary Lou is producing enticing scents in the kitchen.  "Wish you were here" 


 I compared a photo from Monday with this similar shot from this morning (Thursday) and while the pix don't look so very different...the incoming storm front has changed our season from Indian Summer to Christmas! We are endlessly enjoying the gas fireplace and nesting in our condo. Our thinking now is that we will pack up and head inland this afternoon so that (hopefully) we can get unloaded before things get wet there.  Here we have an underground parking garage.

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