Thursday, October 31, 2013

Living my DREAM

October 31, 2013
Mesa, AZ

So blessed to be spending a few days with my Arizona family.  I was able to fly over in time to attend the annual Jasmine Circle block party/potluck on Monday night; to renew friendships with folks who have been neighbors here for...well, let's just say "for a long time."  Of the 21 houses in this cul de sac, I think THREE of the families attending were here when Tom and I came in the spring of ' I'm "an old timer". Nevertheless, this is a very stable community with many families having been here for 15 - 20 years. We've watched one generation grow up, graduate, marry and they are now back with their children.

I suppose that's also true at my house.  Lexxie is 9 and Leila will be 6 next week--my great grands! It's so astounding! The kids keep growing but the parents/grandparents still look the same.  Good genes and clean living...with a little assistance from a hairdresser. LOL

What I wanted to write about is an incident that occurred on my flight over.  In introductions with my seat companion, the customary question was asked..."Are you coming or going?
 Hmmm..."Both"  Which begs the explanation that I have a place in California and another in Arizona. The young, professional man instantly exclaimed: "You are living my DREAM life. May through October in California and the rest of the year in Arizona."

"Dream" is a prominent theme for me.  I have mottos and stencils decorating my house along with Native American dream catchers. Surely some of this emphasis dates back to our Amway days and listening to the motivational messages of Zig Ziegler; to which is added Mary Kay encouragements such as "if you can dream it, you can do it."

I have a bucket list of what I consider to be fantasies, hopes, wishes~~dreams.  The conversation brought home to me that what I consider to be ordinary, normal and common-place truly is magical.  To be retired, with freedom to spend my days helping others, is dream-worthy. To enjoy good health and reasonable physical stamina is already a fantasy for some of my friends.  

My "Ah ha" moment has triggered reflection on the many blessings in my life; the reality of "dreams" that I haven't even dreamed.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Scarecrows, sweatshirts and baked apples...

Friday, October 11, 2013

It's officially FALL...and I'm hearing HAPPY reports to that effect from various sources. We've had some rain here on the coast with a dusting of snow in the higher elevations. I always enjoy getting back to the jeans and sweatshirt temps.  While my girlies were here from AZ over the weekend we hung "black" lights along the edge of my lanai (look kinda pinkish to me) and put the scarecrow decorations in the front yard so I'm progressing into the season.

Difficult to believe it's already almost the middle of October! Very much looking forward to a visit from Maria and a friend, also named Maria, from Ecuador in just about a month. I love it that she has business that brings her north at least once a year.

Nichole, Nina, Lexxie and Leila were here for a last of the season beach visit on the 5th & 6th. Tamara took her girls to Disneyland the last weekend in September and I met up with them for lunch on that Sunday. The week before that my sister Virginia was visiting from CO, and the weekend before that Derek & Anna, Chris & Melissa were camping at the beach. 

Woven throughout the visiting time, Mary Lou has been occupied with pick-ups and deliveries. Some days she has Nancy with her; and some days she needs my help. Keeps us both busy.
We spent 3 days emptying an "empty" house; taking out 3 truck/trailer loads. Then we helped move one of her military families...5 "working" days that week!! When we are allowed to take 
only what is needed, that's "easy" but when we do "clean outs" we end up with all kinds of bits and pieces that have to be sorted through, sometimes more than once. There will be food items, recycle bags (cans and bottles), houseplants, clothing for AmVets, partial bottles of laundry soap, hand soap and shampoo...and the list goes on.

Like a bombshell, into this domestic chaos, came news that one of my Church friends has been diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer which has metastized into her spine and scalp. It is a very aggressive cancer and fast-moving. To  my praying friends, I request your prayers for this family as, without a miracle, their time together is short.

How appropriate, then was this devotional thought yesterday:  
  TRUST ME ENOUGH to let things happen without striving to predict or control them. Relax, and refresh yourself in the Light of My everlasting Love. My Love-Light never dims, yet you are often unaware of my radiant Presence.  When you project  yourself into the future, rehearsing what you will do or say, you are seeking to be self-sufficient: to be adequate without My help. This is a subtle sin--so common that it usually slips by unnoticed.
  The alternative is to live fully in the present, depending on Me each moment. Rather than fearing your inadequacy, rejoice in my abundant supply.  Train your mind to seek My help continually, even when you feel competent to handle something by yourself.  Don't divide your life into things you can do by yourself and things that require My help. Instead, learn to rely on Me in every situation.  This discipline will enable you to enjoy life more and to face each day confidently.